I got my book from Kickstarter by Melissa Gira Grant and Meaghan O’Connell
Its dirty dirty…. the perfect book to get me out of my funk.. THANK YOU GIRLS
Oh yeah, did we mention that?
And thank YOU.
Sitting and grinning with Coming & Crying.
An overabundance of thoughts to follow.
Possible titles:
“The Second Coming”
“The Mourning After”
Stay tuned…
The first thing I did was flip to the back and read the descriptions of the contributors. I don’t actually know any of them—aside from following some of their Tumblrs—but this is like putting a face behind anonymous Postsecret cards. Next, I flipped to a random page hoping to find some sort of erotic sentence or description of what I’d be reading. I found “I cupped my hand over her pussy,” and clapped the book shut. I just took a shower, poured myself a glass of wine, and fully intend on reading as many of these as I can in one sitting.
I don’t wanna sound all sappy, but it’s gratifying to know that something I “contributed” to is now a real living thing that I can hold in my hands. I just have to hide it from my mom.
i just ordered Coming & Crying (a self-published anthology about sex). i’ll admit i ignored the first hundred times I ran into the name when it was still in its nascent stages, back in march (or was it january?). if i wasn’t shocked at how small my tumblr world had become when i realized most of the people i follow were all talking in the same cyber circle, about the same (and at the time, cyber) book; i was curious when i *accidently* started following one of it’s publishers and editors, Meaghan O’Connell. within 6 minutes of browsing it’s tumblr page i found myself pouring out my Visa # to the paypal gods.
after listening to Erica Moore read her story from the book—tears streaming down my face, heart pumping with the heat of lovelost, and memories of her beating at my temples….i now feel equally terrified and excited about receiving said book. it also helps explain why so many bloggers have been posting things like this and this, expressing fear and relief upon it’s arrival.
at the moment, i feel terrified.
”dearest internet,
the book that you wrote, edited, love…well, it’s here. resting against my pillows. i can’t find the nerve to open it yet, but maybe soon. my brain is still processing the fact that this website, those gchats, are now a thing. i can poke my finger in the little usps-created hole in the corner there and feel the smooth paper over board cover, the uncracked spine…but i don’t think even my finger believes.
anyway, it’s here (really? really.), and i wanted to thank every single person involved in creating & supporting coming & crying.
The drama and anticipation of whether or not kratlee would get her book in the mail for the past, oh, 10 days, was perhaps more compelling to me than producing it.
(Okay, that’s an exaggeration. but still. HOORAY.)
Open the book, woman! You made this happen, too.
Me: I got my copy of the book that Meaghan has been working on yesterday.
Mom: Where can I buy a copy?
Me: They’re selling it online…comingandcrying.com
Mom: Whatandcrying.com?
Me: Coming. And. Crying. Dot. Com
Mom: Huh?
Mom: Running?
Me: Um. Haven’t we been over this? Didn’t you get that article that I sent you about the project? The one that was in New York Mag?
Mom: No. You probably didn’t send it.
Me: Yes. I sent it. I thought you just never acknowledged it because the book is about sex, and I assumed that you were being a prude.
Me: Just so we’re clear, it’s about sex.
Mom: Yes, I get it. I just won’t give it to my friends as a Christmas gift, ok?
Me: Ok.