We were on the Kickstarter podcast!
From the beginning of Coming & Crying, we were struck by what an amazing job Meaghan and Melissa did of putting themselves into their project. Being a backer was far more than a financial transaction; you really felt a part of their vision.
We invited Meaghan and Melissa down to the Kickstarter offices a few weeks ago to discuss their success, the origins of their project, and whether their parents knew what they were up to. Unsurprisingly it was an awesome conversation, and we came away inspired by their passion and excited to see how their project would grow.
I was afraid to listen to it all day because the sound of my own voice terrifies me, but when I finally did, I was really happy with the way it turned out. A few people have told us that it helped cement all of our intentions and what we are driving at, so if you are looking for that or looking to share this with someone, it might be a good place to start (also, bonus! we read!)