Melissa Gira Grant enjoys blogs and bloggers. She’s written about sex and the Internet for Slate, The Frisky, $pread magazine, and Valleywag, and has contributed to the anthologies Dirty Girls, Best Sex Writing, and Girl Crush. She has an apartment in Brooklyn; her typewriter is in San Francisco.
Meaghan O’Connell moved to New York four years ago to be a live-in nanny. Since then she has interned at 826NYC, learned the Internet as Jonathan Coulton’s assistant, written in coffee shops all over Brooklyn, and started a blog on Tumblr, where she now works as the director of outreach. This is her first publication.
Meaghan and Melissa know each other because of the Internet. In 2008, over blog posts and emails, they decided to make a book called Coming & Crying. When they met for the first time in New York a few months later, they immediately began making lists. They also discovered just how short they really are. With the support of six hundred and fifty one backers, they founded Glass Houses Press together in 2010. Though they now live on the same train line, they still finished writing this over gchat.