Baltimore, welcome to the other side!
Coming and Crying came today. Their logo is pretty amazing. Look at it and think of the book name.
Now smile because it’s awesome.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Okay, so the first thing you need to understand is that I don’t really shriek over things.
Like, at all. I think the last time I shrieked about something was when I was 15 seeing Bow Wow in concert. And even then, I’m pretty sure I was hoarse from losing my shit when Marques Houston took of his dirty drawers and threw them into the crowd. ANYWAY.
Today I came home and immediately started bitching to my roommates about how, once again, I’d gotten my syllabus fucked up and thus had the honor of being completely fucking surprised by my story being workshopped today. It’s not that they absolutely hated it (they only hated it a little), it’s just that the EXACT same thing happened to me last semester in my Creative Writing part one class. Anyway, at some point Kim mentioned that I got a package. I asked her what it looked like, assuming she would tell me it was a cylinder/my undertaker poster, but instead she told me it felt like maybe a dvd. Or a book.
Before she can finished the “or something,” I’m in my room, ripping open my package and finding THIS and shrieking like a damn tween at a Bieber concert.
This is my reward for contributing to a project that completely rocked my world over half a year ago. (Remember? ha) I’d thought about the status of getting my reward from time to time, but it was never something I thought about for more than 10 minutes because…you know…these past seven months have kind of sucked. And I wasn’t completely mortified at the thought that I maybe wouldn’t get it because a) shit happens, b) mailing out a shit ton of books to a shit ton of people is probably really hard so if it got lost, it was completely out of their hands/probably wasn’t their fault, and c) I gave them a contribution not only because I wanted a copy, but because I just wanted to (and because I knew that when it came time for my first publication, I’d want contributions too).
Charlotte Shane, Julian, Coming and Crying
I can’t get enough. I have found a part of my own thoughts in every story that I’ve read. It’s like a bunch of people came together to remind you that your own thoughts and experiences that you think are weird or depressing or “would never happen to anyone but me” are completely untrue. You will learn something from this and you will love it and you will have little half-smiles and laughs every time you read something that reminds you of yourself. And the metaphors and similes are ridiculous. And it really does punch you in the gut every now and then and make you think about finding the writer to cry (or come) with them. Read it. Now.
(via heysean)
I got my book from Kickstarter by Melissa Gira Grant and Meaghan O’Connell
Its dirty dirty…. the perfect book to get me out of my funk.. THANK YOU GIRLS
Oh yeah, did we mention that?
And thank YOU.
Sitting and grinning with Coming & Crying.
An overabundance of thoughts to follow.
Possible titles:
“The Second Coming”
“The Mourning After”
Stay tuned…
This is tomorrow, guys.
Melissa and I will be there peddling our wares (or signing your copy)(or saying hi and hanging out)(whatever you’re into) from 1-2pm at the Kickstarter booth in some far flung corner of the thing.
Anyway, you may come (this is ill-advised), you may cry (at someone else’s panel, please do not cry at our booth), you’ll meet us IRL, buy 1 book or many (but not that many because we are only bringing what melissa can carry), and we will all have a great day. I have decided this. It’s called the power of positive thinking, people. Did anyone read about that in this week’s New Yorker?
Anyway if you are there you should come by and see us. I am very excited about this because there will be a lot of Writers there and I might die if I see Mary Gaitskill up close.
See you tomorrow. Maybe. If you live in New York.