By the end, with everyone drunkenly saying goodbye, and about to split a cab with a friend back home, I decided, as so many obnoxious drunk bitches before me, that the night was not done yet. I asked a friend to wait while I went inside and found something/someone else to do while everyone went home, and with those famous last words, found someone. What did he look like? Older, taller, and most importantly, alive and wanting to actually do something. And by something, I mean have sex as soon as possible. I had never laid eyes on this person before, and all of a sudden, it was imperative that we do it.
Maria Diaz is an extremely old student at Oberlin College. She has been vomiting parts of her life out onto the Internet since 1997. Besides occasionally having sex with herbivores, she is one of the founding editor of Vegansaurus. She’s also written for BitchBuzz, Media Elites, This Recording and b5media. You can find her in the club, or at